Reserving Your Summer Camp Site in Alberta and British Columbia
There are only 2 things I have spend hours on the phone or computer trying to get, concert tickets and camp sites! Usually with a group of friends all trying with me.
Since childhood camping, now glamping, has been a family summer essential. The days of being able to drive to a camp site on a whim and driving in are long gone. Over the past years demand for Alberta and B.C camp sites has gone up 167%. Causing both to make changes to their booking sites.
Reserving a camp site in Alberta is now on a rolling 90 day schedule. Meaning you can book ahead only 90 days for individual and back country camping and 180 days for group and comfort camping. Today you can reserve up until June 8th.
B.C. has revised their site, with viewing available March 15th and booking from March 21st.
Its is that time of year, set a reminder to reserve your site to ensure you do not miss out!